We know that there are a number of organizations and individuals who would like to be a part of this event and be our supporters. Your contribution is always welcome! The different areas that you may become a sponsor include;
1. Sponsoring a rock entails;
The sponsoring of performances at the adopted rock. This means paying for the performances that would be taking place on a specified rock. For example, Company X pays for all or partial of the performances that will be taking place on Rock number 1. When you are a rock sponsor, that rock belongs to your organization for the duration of the event, meaning that
2. Stall Construction sponsorship entails;
- With its major concern for preserving the nature of the hills, and using environmentally friendly materials, The Hills of Music will be building shelters/ stalls made out of a sacred and symbolic tree in the Kgatleng District commonly used to build shelters in traditional functions, these shelters are called “Leobo” in Kgatleng. The shelters built will be to accommodate food providers as well as exhibitionists.
3. Advertising and Communication initiatives Sponsorship entails;
Sponsoring any advertising/ marketing material for The Hills of Music. This may include Brochures, T-shirts, Website, Billboards, and Flyers etc.
4. Sponsoring electrical powering of the event entails;
Setting up the power supply (solar or otherwise) to power and project the sound of the performances.
5. Sponsoring the ablution block (toilets) entails;
Supplying the event with toilets to ensure a clean and hygienic environment during as well as after the event.
6. Security entails;
Providing security services for the event to ensure a safe and secure time for all involved.
Please contact us if you have interest of being a part of the project.
I wish to cordially ask permission to use your sponsor baby image for an article I am writing an article titled "Century of the Autobot." It is a humorous yet serious article on how government manipulates the masses for the benefit of the corporations through mass media propaganda. If permission is granted I would very happily provide a link to this website. Please respond to mansonweb@gmail.com. Thank you very much.